Meet Renate
Hi, I'm Renate McSherry and welcome to my blog.
I am 62, married and mother to 3 grown boys.
I am a Dutch transplant living in Beautiful BC, Canada.
When I was younger, I could have never imagined how much my body would change in my 50's and 60's.
It seemed like overnight the clothes I used to wear didn't fit or look the same anymore.
I have always loved fashion so this was quite the adjustment for me.
It felt like I was looking at someone else in the mirror.
Through trial and error, I have discovered what does and does not look good on me without having to compromise my style.
I now tend to buy basic pieces that are good quality and will last for years to come.
Every season I will add a few new pieces like trendy shoes and bags and bright coloured blazers or scarves.
I’m loving fashion again and I would love to help you discover what you can wear in your 50's and beyond to look and feel chic and confident!

How I became a blogger
About 4 years ago I was sitting in my sisters kitchen with my niece who was talking about "influencers".
I had vaguely heard about them but didn't really know much about what that meant.
I asked her what an influencer does and she told me how they show outfits of the the day (#ootds) on Instagram.
I thought to myself, that sounds like something I would like!
I had helped several friends with their wardrobes over the years and was always buying and selling clothes so this seemed right up my alley.
A few days later Stylealiveafter55 was born.
I must admit that at my age it was quite the learning curve and still is!
After 4 years on Instagram a lot of my followers suggested that I should start a blog.
Well, here I am!!!
I will mostly talk about fashion and trends, but there are so many other subjects to discuss at our age.
I do enjoy travelling and as soon as I can get my husband on an airplane again I will be talking about that too.
Follow me as I embark on this new venture!